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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Storm.... July 11th.

This afternoon we had an intense storm that came out of no where, the sky was sunny & it was hot out, then all the sudden within minutes it was dark and MAJOR winds!  Not sure exactly how much rain we got, because I think I forgot to empty the rain gauge after the last rain we had.  It read almost 2" on the gauge tho! 

This is what the garden looked like after the winds calmed down...

I waited till after 6-7pm and then went out to try to prop up the corn.  Some I used garden tape tied to a stake - others I just pushed up and then clumped some additional dirt around it and stomped down around it.  At the same time I went around to all the melons, cucs & squash plants looking for cuke beetle eggs on the underside of the leaves...  I pruned off a bucket worth of leaves to put in trash so they don't hatch here.  Hopefully this will keep the fall infestation down a little.  I will have to keep checking every few days for more eggs.

I also had to prune a little of the tomatoes, especially the mortgage lifter as it became way to top heavy.  During the storm I went out with rope and used one of my hose guides and another stake to give it support, as during the storm it started to fall forward.  
Margherita Tomato ripening - quite a few between the 4 plants.

Cherry "Cupid" tomatoes all starting to ripen now!
Some of the sunflowers Mo planted got blown around a bit...
Seems if I put them up and tamp ground around it it stays.

Our 1 casualty... volunteer sunflower by the
compost bin...  snapped at the base.  =(
Pepper plants got tossed from side to side...

Same with potatoes....
1st baby crocked neck squash I've seen.

Blackberries should be ready to start picking ANY day! 
my next future batch of wine....  =)
What the $&#^@%* Japanese Beetles have done to
our weeping pussy willow...  I had to break down and dust it
with Sevin...  or there would have not been anything left of it!
All the roses are starting to come back after a bad start
this year due to black spot.  Spraying them weekly now!

Flag pole garden...

All the marigolds that came up on their own...
Firepit totally filled up with rain water... lid was 1/2 way across yard after storm.

Lavender right outside the side door - what a great smell!!

One of my fav flowers!!  Arizona Sun Gaillardia!

Black eyed susan somehow popped up with the gaillardia!

Butterfly bush starting to finally bloom.

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