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Saturday, January 8, 2011

2010 Year in Review.... August

August started out with building the goats a shelter in the pasture.  We had the in the barn while this project was going on. Kat helped me build the shelter - couldn't have done it without her!  I think she had some fun as well - I saw the spark in her eye that I had when I first started to do stuff like this.
Me working on the sides

Kat securing the roof.

Soon after this Hammy found a spot in the fence that bent down a little (where a horse jumped over at one point years ago)  So I ended up installing the electric fence for the goats (Hammy mainly...)  Only ran a line along the top of the fence.  But later would have to install a 2nd along the bottom after they learned there were gaps in certain spots that they could crawl and bend the fence out a little.  GRH!  Here is the video of Hammy's 1st minutes of finding out about an electric fence...  Special thanks again to my great friend Kat who helped me install the elec fence as well!

As the garden started to produce lots of yummy veggies....  we got to have a lot of great dinners cooked on the new grill...
The Garden (8/1/10) - Sunflowers that came up on their own
in the compost pile.

Also one of our favorite dinners to make during 'garden season' is homemade margherita pizzas!!  In fact its making me hungry just thinking about them!!

Around the 15th Mo decided she wanted to completely repaint the small red barn...  I had painted the one side last year, and we found out there was 2 different reds in barn paint... classic red or barn red.  for the repaint we picked the classic red which stands out more.  Mo painted all the areas she could reach and I went around with the ladder and got all the upper sections.
All Done!
At the end of the month I decided to start on a project that I had told myself could wait till 2011 - but of course why should I rest...  must try to kill myself with projects!  lol  I wanted to double the size of the patio to have more seating area and for the small firepit and hammock.
Patio before the project started.  8/30/10
8/31 - digging out the sod.  Mo Rover to the rescue!
 Stay tuned for Sept's post when you get to see how it turned out!

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