Fixing the pantry was on the top of the list for October. Every time is would rain HARD we would get water coming in the pantry where the cat litter boxes are - so they would have to be moved to the kitchen (which I hated...) I found this product that basically creates a sealed baseboard for the water to stay behind. I had to remove all the floor paint around the perimeter for the installation.
Removing the paint. |
installed.. |
Of course after I got this done we didn't have any really BAD storms for over a month... it was driving me nuts cause I wanted to test it! But its been working - no water in the pantry since then. So nice to not have to worry about the litter boxes and rugs getting wet anymore.
October was FULL of tomatoes!! I made lots of pasta sauce and salsa. Did a lot of canning, even had to go buy a lot more jars this year.
Typical look of our counters for weeks during harvest time.
I would can and clear it off only for Mo to go out and pick buckets full again. |
Yummy yummy salsa! |
Mid October was spent with some great friends to celebrate Loretta's 50th b-day. She came up from FL for the weekend. It was so great to see her and spend the evening with friends I don't get to see very often.
The gift of Princess Shanequa |
I bought Loretta some gag gifts... one being jumbo playing cards...
which were used to play euchre later! =) |
I got to upgrade my landscaping tools in a big way this year... I bought a new zero turn mower. Now after having it I wish I would have done it YEARS ago! Between the 12" larger deck and the increased speed as well and not having to make big wide turns... what a time savings! Then I turned the old mower into my winter snow plow. I removed the deck, added the plow as well as a deck on the back to place weights. I found later tho when I added the tire chains that the chains would catch on the mounting hardware for back deck so it was later removed. I did take the back tires off and take to town to get filled with beet juice of all things.. its actually a real product that farmers use to weight the tractor tires to get better pulling. Its called Rim Guard - its ok if it gets spilled into the fields and actually heavier than other liquid tire ballasts used. Between both back tires it added 100+ pounds to the mower.

Later that month my parents came for a visit and my dad brought us a whole truck load full of wood for camp fires! They had trees torn down during the tornado that went thru the golf course the previous month in Wayne county. You could see the truck lift up as we unloaded... I'm sure the shocks were saying "oh thank you!!"
Everything is growing so well and green... it was nice time of year to sit back and just look at Nature's beauty and all the hard work we put in around the house that year.
Ended the month with the plan to get some hens. We were dog sitting for a neighbor and Mo went with me and she loved watching their hens just walk around the yard and decided she wanted some too. I started to work on building a hen nesting box... and that will all lead into the 1st of November... =)
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