Well May started off with you guessed it - more landscaping work! By May 10th I had tilled thru most of the landscaping. We even transplanted the Mock Orange from the side of the house to being the main attraction in the front west side. I borrowed a tow strap from my old neighbor - dug out around the roots as much as I could.... hooked it to the Jeep and slowly pulled it out! Was so much fun! And the bush lived so even better! We didn't get any pics of me pulling that one out but a few days later we took out the evergreen bush against the house as well... that one we documented. =)
Starting to look like a real landscaping bed! |
Me having fun using my Jeep to landscape! Or "Un-landscape" =)
We also purchased the "Mo Rover" wagon.... which we use for
EVERYTHING now - great purchase Mo! |
Mo dug up the entire island herself... my job was to till it up. |
By May 15th we officially had the West side of the house landscaped and mulched... we were so happy to see things finally starting to come together!
On the 16th we took a break and went to the baptism of Mo's twin nieces - Kelsey & Alexis. Mo is one of the God Parents.
They are just so cute!!! |
On the 27th we had the island all planted as well as the rest of the front of the house and everything mulched! I thought "Oh yay it looks so good but we are so tired.... glad we get a break now..." But the next day the call came in that the shutters were in....
Nothing like using litter boxes to prop them
up to see how they will look... |
On May 29th we had to to go and buy a ladder that would reach the 2nd story to install the rest of the shutters... this was my brilliant idea of how to get it home. Mo was so worried we were gonna take out a traffic light...lol I came home the back roads so I wouldn't have to drive too fast... I think I was laughing the entire way home!
So that day we finished up installing the East side of the house and the 30th we got the West side done. My arms were hurting. I might add that I HATE to be on ladders!!!
Front has to wait till June to be installed. |
So with it being the end of May and end of the chance for frost I was SOOO ready to get my garden planted. May 30th I installed all my tomato stakes and planted the maters..... then the next day (31st) this happened......
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