July started out with projects getting finished. July 1st the painter came back and put on the 2nd coat of the metal roof paint. Wow what a huge difference that made! From lines of surface rust to nice and shiny! With the new gutters, paint and shutters the house never looked better since I've lived here!
The cool kids use bucket trucks to paint a roof! ;) |
yay for clean shiny roofs! |
The same day they started to harvest the fields around me - which meant I was closer to getting my drainage problems fixed. We also found out that we were for sure going to be buying goats from a Marion 4H kid.
On July 3rd we finished up the last of the landscaping... the island on the east side of the yard... Mo came home with the rest of the plants to plant.
Couple days later my early birthday present arrived and ready for me to have some fun putting it together.... a new charcoal grill! Bye Bye gas grill....
Toward the end of the month we went on vacation to Geneva on the Lake with Mo's family. Had a good time - altho I spent a good amount of time on my laptop as our email server took a crapper - only when I go away do things like that happen! My boss is awesome tho and didn't charge me vacation time for 1.5 days to cover it. I had to use my blackberry as my modem and I only got signal at the front of the house... so sat on front porch doing work... the deck out back was a dead zone. But this is the awesome view of the lake from that dead zone... Mo & I also hit a couple wineries while we were up there!

We got back then I think it was the next day the goats were being delivered... and our life was about to change forever...lol Between them jumping the fence (Hammy), learning to crawl under it in spots (all of them), and the stomach issues they all had (went thru a handful of different meds from the vet). Because of these guys I've learned how to install and maintain an electric fence! And later learned about building a shelter. Their names are Hammy (Hamhock), Piggy (Pork Chop) and Arby (Rump Roast). The orange fencing was to protect the 20-30 little evergreen trees we planted to create a wind break (10+yrs from now...lol)
The end of July started the drain tile project.... what a mess that ended up being!!!
after they found where the lines from house drained to - tons of water came pouring out - the water that was slowly leaking into my basement cause it has no other way out. |
Same guy is gonna come back Spring '11 and tie 2 or 3 lines thru the garden (on left) to this line so during heavy storms my garden won't flood out like it did in 2011. |
It was actually very interesting to see how all the equipment worked and how they tested to see the grading from the house to where the line ends down at the ravine to make sure there was enough slope for proper flow. |
To end on a happy note for the month was non stop harvesting of blackberries... I mean over a gallon every other day! I made all sorts of desserts and Mo was the ultimate in picking, cleaning, drying and freezing. We froze over 15 gallon sized freezer bags full of berries!
Mo's army of drying blackberries.... almost ready for their next assignment.... the freezer. |
Blackberry Buckle |
Blackberry pie... loved how the filling came out and made it look like a tongue! lol |
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